About | Nature Is Medicine
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The journey to holistic wellness began when it was proving difficult just to lose some weight. I sought professional help but to no avail, and that is when I decided to take matters into my own hands. It was not too long before I started seeing signs of positive results. It took serious determination that I obtained the necessary education in order to decipher the frequently misunderstood subject of weight loss. To cut the long story short, after a period of 8 months, I came from a size 16 to an impressive size 8 and really looking back, it was not as difficult as it is oftentimes made out to be, with a little inner resolve, everyone has the power within them to achieve their health target goals, and here at nature is medicine is where you can receive that necessary encouragement to accomplish that.

Nature is Medicine

Nature is Medicine is a unique player in the wellness industry, taking an innovative approach to provide health and wellness services that will leave you feeling stronger and healthier. Here,

clients receive a variety of options when it comes to managing their overall well-being. Make the positive lifestyle change you’ve been wanting; see what Nature is Medicine has to offer you.

A collection of some of nature's power-packed antioxidant selection.

In a nutshell

The right help is always at hand if you look for it. My profession as a holistic therapist is to give you the options that are available to your personal needs as there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all.

Experience as a nurse means that your overall health and lifestyle are taken into consideration before you embark on a health regime of your choice. Since the human being is made up of a spirit with a soul that is housed within a physical body, for anyone to be whole, complete, and healthy, all these three areas require to be in equilibrium. Here, you will be exposed, to sickness and disease remedies that are based on nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, behavior medicine, psychotherapy, and energy medicine that are tailored specifically to you.

If you are ready and determined to run the course, please get in touch.

Certification and Registered Memberships:

  1. The General Naturopathic Council (GNC). (UK)

  2. American Association for Drugless Practitioners (AADP) (USA)

  3. International Institute For Complementary Therapists (IICT). (UK)

  4. Royal College of Nursing (RCN). (UK).

  5. British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). (UK)

  6. British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA). (UK)

  7. Association of Holistic and Complementary Practitioners. (AHCP) (UK)

Daily inspiration: Weight loss should not be complicated, it is a journey that you undertake with the assurance that you will be proud of what you can achieve with
                               a little determination. Pop in for a free chat.


+44 7468 416 275



Digestive Wellness

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Healthy Cooking & Meal Planning

Diets & Detoxing

Elimination Diets

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